Running Successful Meetings
Nearly everybody has to ‘do’ meetings at some point in their lives. Big ones, small ones, ones to gather information, to carve out action plans, to discuss, debate, challenge, endorse.
Most meetings are too long, unproductive, time consuming and energy-sapping. Many shouldn’t be taking pace at all!
Despite the obvious challenge that the meeting scenarios will be ‘manufactured’ inside a training room, this workshop is practical and hands-on.
Filming is at the heart of this workshop: providing real-time feedback is an invaluable way for attendees to see what their performance is like at meetings and for them to be inspired by seeing a real improvement, even in the course of just a few hours.
I cover the various critical personal factors in a meeting that can change the course of the interaction and introduce and implement techniques and tools to help solve the challenges revealed by the filming.
What attendees will get out of this course:
- How to plan to make the meeting as constructive as possible
- How to ensure you keep it on track
- How to ensure that your ideas are presented with the maximum impact
- The importance of checking whether you’re truly listening to other people
- How to handle difficult situations
- How to make the most of video-conferencing/ tele-conferencing
- How you can have a voice at a meeting without undermining the rest of the group
- Adding points at a meeting (making your presence felt) when you feel demotivated or reluctant